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So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.


Romans 12:5

We believe that God calls all Christians to become part of a church family where they can serve and grow with other believers. If you are considering becoming a part of our church family, then we are truly honored. As Baptists, we believe that affiliating with our church is a public decision. That is why we always extend an invitation during our worship services each week to those who are interested in becoming a part of our congregation. You are encouraged to come forward as we sing the hymn of invitation and become a member of First Baptist in one of the following ways:

Becoming a member of First Baptist Church means that you are joining your life with this body of Christian believers and that you will seek to grow and serve God as part of this covenant community.

If you have never publicly accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and been baptized, you would join by profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, a decision symbolized by believer's baptism by immersion.

By 'transfer of letter' from another Baptist church.

If you have already been baptized by immersion but have no current church home, you would join by statement of faith. We would accept you as a member on your affirmation of your previous baptism and your desire to unite with us in fellowship.

Get Involved!

If you have a passion for a particular area of church life, the chances are great that you will be able to use your God-given gifts.

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There are always plenty of opportunities available–everything from teaching to greeting to building to cooking. Simply find a staff member or talk to anyone in the congregation to share your own ideas with them. We’re ready to listen and we want you to be a part of what’s happening at FBC!

New Member Education

As FBC continues to grow, we recognize that new members are coming to the church from different points in their Christian journey. Even though most of these new members participate regularly in Sunday School, the thirst for greater learning and knowledge of the Bible and Christian disciplines is quite evident. Our pastors offer semi-annual classes with the goal of introducing new members to our church.

Phone: 252-638-5691
Fax: 252-638-8592


239 Middle Street 

New Bern, NC 28560


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409 Pollock Street

New Bern, NC 28560

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